Last updated: 2/19/2025
Last updated: 2/19/2025
The Podsqueeze API allows users to process and transcribe podcast episodes, retrieve job statuses, manage API tokens, and register webhook notifications.
To get a token, the user needs a Podsqueeze account. Then, they can simply go to the dashboard, click on API Access in the sidebar, and a token will be generated.
Uploads an audio or video file, stores it in Firebase, and starts a transcription job. You can provide either a base64-encoded file or a public URL to the episode.
Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
"mode": "process_episode",
"podcastId": "<PODCAST_ID>",
"language": "en",
"file": "<Base64_encoded_audio/video_file>",
"episodeUrl": "<PUBLIC_URL_TO_EPISODE>",
"podcastTitle": "<PODCAST_TITLE>", [OPTIONAL]
"podcastDescription": "<DESCRIPTION>", [OPTIONAL]
"podcastImage": "<PODCAST_IMAGE_URL>", [OPTIONAL]
"episodeTitle": "<EPISODE_TITLE>", [OPTIONAL]
Note: The episodeUrl
must be publicly accessible and downloadable. Private or authentication-protected URLs are not supported.
202 Accepted
"jobId": "<JOB_ID>",
"status": "transcribing",
"estimatedTime": "60-120 seconds"
Checks the transcription progress and results.
Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
"mode": "get_job_status",
"jobId": "<JOB_ID>",
"podcastId": "<PODCAST_ID>"
200 OK
"status": "completed",
"transcript": "...",
"srt": "...",
"speakers": { ... }
Fetches the full transcription and other episode assets.
Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
"mode": "get_episode_assets",
"jobId": "<JOB_ID>",
"podcastId": "<PODCAST_ID>"
200 OK
"transcript": "...",
"srt": "...",
"timestamps": "...",
"quotes": "...",
"keywords": "...",
"bulletPoints": "...",
"longPost": "...",
"mentions": "...",
"newsletter": "...",
"shortPost": "...",
"titles": "...",
"tweets": "..."
All responses follow this format for errors:
"error": "Error message"
For questions or issues, contact
Repurpose your podcast content with AI